Wednesday, January 25, 2012

first and end

I am certain I have shared that I drive a school bus. I recently changed routes but I wanted to write about something from my previous route. I drove an elementary school in the morning, a different elementary in the afternoon as well as a middle school. The neighborhood that I visited each morning was a coffee clutch type neighborhood. Parents stood outside waiting for the bus with their children. And even as I pulled away or drove past other stops for other buses, parents stood outside and chatted even after their child was picked up for the day. A parent of one of the kids on my route works near where I live and I bumped into her one day. She shared that at times it was difficult to leave the corner chat sessions. Here is what I want to share. Sometimes, seeing those parents standing outside with their kids, waiting for the bus, reminded me of when my kids were younger. When I lived in my previous state, we lived close enough to the school so they were not bussed, yet far enough that I drove them each day. I thought back to when I could stay in my pj's and drive them to school, only to come home and do what I wanted. Clean, laundry, run errands or even go back to bed if I wanted. I remember the innocence of my kids then. Now, they aren't out of school or even being close to being finished but it is different. I am working.. driving that school bus.. so I am not home in the mornings any more.. I miss them when they first wake up in the morning. I cannot give them a kiss before they begin their day and tell them that I love them. I don't see them when they get home and can ask how their day was. I miss the after school snacks.

I cherish the time I had as a full time stay at home time as a domestic engineer. Those days of when my kids were young are days that can never be returned should you miss them. I like my life right now. I am not teaching kids in the classroom but yet I am the first person they see each morning and the last the person they see at the end of the day. I greet my students each morning as they board my bus with a good morning or hello. Each afternoon, I tell them to have a good day, see you tomorrow.

I made a difference in the lives of my own two kids. I can only hope I can make a difference in the life of even one student... Then my job is complete.

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