Friday, February 03, 2006

solitary daydreaming

Ah, Friday. The end of the week. We are trying to get all of our classroom valentines filled out. For H, I found these little Zoo Pals cups that are so cute. We put in a tootsie roll, tootsie pop and smarties. Oh, and don't forget the valentine. I had H write her name the other night...I said she could do maybe 3 or 4 and then we would so some later. Well, that girl surprised me! She finished all of them, for the entire class. J, on the other hand, could only finish about six. He says it's because he has to write his name and the name of the recipient. What a load of bull! We have to make boxes for both kids for the other classmates to put the valentines in. J says he wants something elaborate and H could care less. I need to get my act together and get the kids goodie bags ready....for you see, I am J's room mom again this year. I have been since he started KG. He says he wants someone different since I have been every year. I want to be H's next year....
Have any of you checked out the
cat of the day link? It also has dog of the day and pet of the day. I try and check out the cats each day. I did go into the dog part the other day and searched for yorkies. I grew up with two very adorable yorkies and couldn't resist putting some of them into my files. Aren't they the cutest? I would love to get another one to add to our two lovable cats but they are so expensive. I think
our cats would be bigger than the dog anyway! Maybe someday....

Speaking of our cats, I tried to take some photos of them the other day. You can enter pictures of your pets at the sites and write a little bio and maybe, just maybe, he/she would be chosen to be cat/dog/pet of the day. Let me see if I can find one of our two beloved felines...

Not exactly the best shot but they were sleeping and I woke them to get some photos.
The one with white
on his face is Bosco and the other is Nightro. Both boys and both very cute. I took these a few days ago after looking at past entries at the cat of the day and thought, hey, I could enter my two cats. I will let you all know if they make the cut, if and when I enter them.

Dora the Explorer is playing in the background...not the show but rather a hand held game. It is the joy stick type game....thay also make them with pac man, dig dug, rallyx, etc. H is becoming an old pro with the Dora game. You just plug it into your tv and off you go. I still love to play the old pac man. When I was a kid, we started off with Pong...pong anyone? Anyone remember Pong? The two little white lines were your men. Then we advanced to Atari....Frog Bog was one of my favorites along with pac man. Ah, the good ole days.

Well, I leave you with this....Resist the urge to fill up your days with extra chores, commitments and responsibilities. Schedule some "down time" for solitary daydreaming, reading and doing the things you love to do.

Until the next time.

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