Monday, January 30, 2006

encourage silly

Monday la, la la la la. The Mama's and the Papa's, right?

I just finished watching a tv movie on A&E, Flight 93. Flight 93 was the flight that went down in Shanksville, PA on Tuesday September 11, 2001. I have read many books about accounts of what happened that day....from survivors, from families of those that did not survive, from journalists. This movie was very sad but also showed those of us watching what great courage and strength these passengers had. Real people in real situations. Could I have done what they did? I do not know. I suppose some of us could answer that question but would we really know until the time had come....I would like to think that I would be brave enough, strong enough.

Life can be short. I try and remember this every day. I am not one to make resolutions but this year in a strange sort of way, I did. I am consciously thinking about each time I yell. I admit it, I am a yeller. I grew up in a house of yelling. Nurture or nature? I do not spank my kids but I have been known to yell. I have been taking deep breaths and calming down first, then speaking slowly, making sure they are looking at me and listening. No yelling.....Children are miracles, love them every day. Some day they might not want you around, might not want your kisses, might not...

I leave you with this...Search out the positive, keep the gleam in your eye, mail letters to God.

Encourage silly.

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