Sunday, February 05, 2006

years to come

Who doesn't like a Tootsie Roll? Well, they have really cute ones for Valentine's Day. They are the bigger ones with about three little pieces all in one. This year they come with 'text messages' on them. I guess we are out of the loop because there is one that we simply cannot figure out. Here are some of the easier ones, at least for us...

SWT AZ KAN D and WAN 2 TALK and Q T PIE and UR 2 KEWL.....well, here is the one we cannot figure out. Ready? Are you sure? Here goes....

WYSIWYG ...that's it. I bet some of you are saying, yeah, that is "______, those people are dumb." And after we finally learn what it is all about, we will probably be saying, boy we sure were dumb. So any takers? What does it mean? Please, let know.

After visiting the Tootsie Roll site, I came across the old commercial. You know, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Ah, the good old days. I also found a great incentive to find the answer. If you would like to copy it, go here.

We finally got some snow. It started yesterday and continued through the night. It looks really pretty. Our winter was becoming rather dull and dreary. It rained more than it snowed. The temperatures were up and then down. I couldn't resist taking a photo this morning of the snow from our front porch. It is very windy, too, so the snow is blowing off of the roof in the one picture. Our neighbors huge pine trees look very beautiful.

I am not sure if the photos even give justice to the beauty of it but here they are none the less. I hope you are enjoying your wintertime and the snow has come your way....if you live in a part of the country that snow would come to!

I leave you with this....Expect the demands of motherhood to be rigorous, but remember that the rewards are bountiful. Your children are a joyful, hopeful bridge to the future. The seeds of love you plant today will grow and bear fruit for years to come.

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