Saturday, January 28, 2006

hit them with a shoe

Does anyone remember the classic Batman show?
I believe it only ran for about 3 years in the late 60's.
I remember watching it when I was little, reruns, and I loved it. Bruce Wayne was so cute, wasn't he? What about that Robin guy. Was he your favorite? I loved all the "words" that came up when there was a fight...the words would be in the "word bubbles"...WHAM! POW! OUCH! There were so many I can't recall all of them. I came across these photos from the show and couldn't resist adding them. There are actually lots of pics at the site. More will show up here, I am sure of it.

My friend and cousin wrote about people who leave their shopping carts sitting in the lot, even though there might be a return very close to them. I have to agree with can be very annoying. She made a good point...aren't we teaching our kids to pick up their toys? Why should they if we can't put away our shopping cart?

Team names...can any of you think of a great team name that would go along with breast cancer fundraising? Something catchy and great at the same time.

Prayers are needed for my mother in law. She is back in the hospital...she fell and went in for an xray and ended up being admitted bc she has a blood clot. Send as many as you can this way.

Cold & flu season. This cold has hit me hard. I took some OTC meds and will be off to bed as soon as I am done here. I bet you are wondering what I am still doing up at this hour, at least what I put on the post, if I am not feeling well? We watched a movie, Bruce Almighty. Anyone see it yet? We love it. It has a good good to others and other will do good to you. Isn't that something we try and teach our children?

Off to bed. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, if they do, hit them with a shoe, until they are red, white and blue. Zzzzzzzz........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Batman---what a timely question for me. Our school just celebrated our 3rd 6 Weeks Academic Pep Rally with a super heroes theme...the host team was BATMAN...they had the batmobile, bat signal and Gotham City erected in our gym. For the most part it was great fun...all of the teachers on that team even wore bat capes...the kids had batman....hmmmmmm, don't know the word...faces maybe? My team was horrible....I need ideas on how to motivate them...what we are doing just isn't working! Hope you are feeling well soon....