Thursday, January 26, 2006

anyone else?

I am home from the DR. It seems my small intestine got twisted up with itself or twisted and got hung up on some of my lovely scar tissue/adhesions. I got poked and pushed and nothing protruding inside. In short, I am okay. If I ever have pain like that again, I am to be seen and have a scan or something so they can see what is the exact cause. I just love the scar tissue and adhesions....after two csections and the laparoscopy, things are a bit different on the interior.

On a lighter note, here is a funny.... you think that cats really think that way? I bet my two have some thoughts like that. The way they look at each other sometimes makes me wonder.

Who out there has cats? What about dogs? Is there a secret language? Wouldn't we all like to know...

I have received the old bureau of motor vehicles notice...on my birthday of this year, my drivers license will expire. I will have to go and get a new photo taken. The one I currently have is outdated.....I guess it would be since it was taken 4 years ago. Now you have to decide if you want your SSN on the license. Why put it on? I know someone could find it if they really wanted to but why put it out there in plain sight?

Cold and flu season....has it hit you yet? K and H have both had the cold now for a while....I seemed to avoid it this time around until yesterday. The eyes start to itch, the nose gets stuffy and the pressure inside hurts. Anyone else ready for spring? I heard on the radio today it is the anniversary of the blizzard of '78. Any of you remember? I do. Even though I did not live in this state then, the guy on the radio said they had 11 inches of snow, winds at 50 mph, and the visibility was about 3 feet at times. The night before the snow, there was rain, thunder and lightening, which froze under the 11" of snow which made it even worse. I have a vivid image in my head of living on Main Street and all of the snow. And to think, it is in the 30's and sunny today.

until the next time, be happy. smile, too!

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

glad it wasn't anything totally major!!! hopefully that scar tissue stays in one place.