Wednesday, January 25, 2006

does it mean anything?

ah yet another day. I have been trying to get things together for the family science night in Feb. I know, still quite a long time away but I don't like to procrastinate and want to make sure things are just so.

I am off to the DR tomorrow. I had the most horrific belly pain late in the day Sunday and into Sunday night. I was up until 2 am with it. At least that is the last time I remember looking at the clock. I still feel after you're sick and your tummy muscles are tired and weak? That is how they feel. Plus I have been dizzy. Something is just not right and I don't want to wait until over the weekend to really feel bad. I talked with my sister about 10pm Sunday night and couldn't even stay on the phone too long...I just wanted to curl up in the fetal position and moan! I am hoping it isn't anything to really be concerned about so cross your fingers and toes and say a prayer. (I did take my temp about an hour ago and I am running a low grade fever...does that mean anything?)

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

thank goodness you're off to the doc! I hope it goes well. Let me know... we'll be thinking of you! Love, amy