Wednesday, December 21, 2005

well on the mends

well well so much has seemed to happen. where do I start? J had his program on Monday and it went so well. he remembered all three speaking parts and looked so cute in his pjs. he had his school party Tues and H's was to be today. H ended up at the DR office instead with a diagnosis of scarlet fever. sounds scary, right? to me, too. well, it is strep with a rash. so she has the sore throat, fatigue, etc with the addition of a rash on her torso. she is on the antibiotics and her low grade temp seems to have gone somewhere else. she had a fat nap this afternoon and she seems well on the mends. let's hope no one else gets it. J was so tired tonight. he had one of his meltdowns, very hard to get him in the shower. but now the house is quiet and the kids are sleeping.

only a few more days until the holiday. are you ready? I need stocking stuffers for K but otherwise about done. I need to make something for J but that will only take about an hour. the kids will venture out to visit the man in red tomorrow night. we attempted it last night but ended up coming home since H just wasn't herself.

stay warm, be happy.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

That's too bad about H and scarlet fever! How frightening! Didn't they make a movie of that? Oh, wait, that was the scarlet letter- totally different. :)