Monday, December 19, 2005

McD's and the hot date

J's program was tonight. it went very well! poor kid, though, had to take tissue breaks, you know, blow his nose, while on the risers and trying to sing. he remembered all three of his speaking parts, though. the stage looked great, if I do say so myself. K and I worked very hard at getting it done and looking great.

tomorrow is J's last day of school before holiday break. H will finish on Thurs. J wants to go on a hot date Wed after we drop H off...he wants to go to McD's for the cinnamon rolls. I have not had alone time with J for so long! I am looking very much forward to it.

H is into wearing tights now. she wouldn't wear them for so long and now that is all she wants to wear. we are trying it tomorrow for the first time at school. I hope she doesn't have any trouble when she goes to the little girls room.

well, off to wrap more gifts. almost finished. stay warm, there is a wind chill advisory around here. brrrr........

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