Tuesday, December 06, 2005

jumble of words

well yet another day. it is tuesday the 6th. J makes reconciliation tonight. he says he isn't nervous. Mom had surgery today. Dad left a message that it went well, am waiting to talk with them later. it is very cold here, only in the upper teens today. wind chill is to be (-) tonight.

today I had errands to run. for some reason, I was feeling sad. there wasn't any particular reason, just sad. I was alone, the kids in school and I felt sad. was it the quiet? the alone time? last time I wrote how everyone needs the alone time and here I am now saying maybe that was why I felt sad. maybe it is bc of tonight. it is hard to believe my son is old enough to be making this sacrament. it seems like he was just born.

I guess if I am just sitting and waiting for some words to come to me, it is time to end. it is almost as if I have a jumble of words in my head and I just can't make any sense. I know I need to slow down, school is keeping me busy, the season, etc. the days all seem to run together. okay, I am taking the next 30 minutes to do NOTHING until I need to pick up J from school. until the next time, be happy.


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