Tuesday, September 30, 2008

10 on tuesday (things that scare or freak you out)

1. my own death
2. thinking you lost something important and that freak out feeling when you actually realize you may have truly lost it
3. getting a detention (out of the mouth of my ten year old)
4. thunderstorms ~ the kind with all the lightening...I really, really don't like them AT ALL
5. spiders
6. snakes
7. any creepy, crawly bug or insect
8. scary movies
9. losing someone I love
10. being lonely

*find more ten on tuesday here

1 comment:

iteach7 said...

I agree whole-heartedly with numbers 1,2,6,8,9, and 10. As for number 3,it's giving the detention that scares me sometime. Depends on the kid and the reason.