Wednesday, October 04, 2006

wow, it has been a while. so much is going on. where do I start? everyone's lives are busy but I am having a somewhat hard time adjusting. let's see...both kids are in school, so you would think it would be easier for me? well, it isn't. I am working more...subbing is great with the flexibility but at the same time, it is so hard to plan for anything. one of my cat's needs his check I make the appt for the daytime, and call off subbing? or make it as though I am working? I am PTO president this year and so much more is on my plate. don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I love the "work" for the PTO, but right now, there is a lot going on. plus, J has football five times a week...practice three times plus games both days on the weekend. after being a domestic engineer for so long, it certainly is an adjustment to working outside of the home. even going to the grocery store...when to find the time? if I am at school all day, then home with the kids, snack, homework, dinner, football, then home to bathe, then go to the store, after 8 at night? and that is if K is home and not working. oh, to add another layer, my mother in law had surgery yesterday. they had to travel to cleveland clinic for a second opinion and ended up having to have the surgery now rather than later. she is to be discharged today but still have not heard anything. anything else? yeah, it sounds like I am complaining. I am just tired, and right at this moment I have a serious headache. so off the pc I go to lie my weary head for about 20 minutes before I go and get the kids from school. but the bright light? today is wednesday so there is no football practice today.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering about you. I knew you were busy, so that wasn't a problem...I just wanted to know what you were busy doing. Does that make sense? I don't think you were complaining...I think you were explaining. There is nothing wrong with that! I didn't know about your m-i-l. I hope all is well, and I'll keep her in my prayers! Have a good day!

mama amy bee said...

glad to see your post- sounds like you're one busy lady! i'm hoping you're doing well and letting some things slide now that you're working- it's tough to get it all done! meanwhile, i'm still in agony over this ear infection. poor j that he had them!

that girl said...

I am so sorry about your ear, lady b. hang in there, it will soon be over. rest easy, take naps when avery does, too. I love you!