Friday, August 18, 2006

Once upon a time, there were two children. And like most kids, they loved animals. The family already had two family pets....two very friendly cats named Nightro and Bosco. But they still wanted a baby kitten.
One evening, the Mommy took the kids to the local library for a pet palooza. The Humane Society and many others had volunteered their time to bring some animals in so that local children could learn about animals, touch the animals, and simply be with and enjoy the animals. There happened to be two very cute and cuddly kittens from the Humane Society there. They were about four months old. The children asked, rather begged, their Mommy, to adopt one of them. But you see, the trouble was that the other two cats at home were older cats. Nightro was 12 and Bosco was 11. Bringing a kitten home and having to deal with the cat versus kitten food would be a nightmare.
When the family was getting ready to leave, the children were sharing their plight with the librarian. The family had been going to the library for about 8 years since moving into the area. Hearing their story, the librarian, whom I shall call Erin, shared that she and her husband had two cats they were looking to have adopted. I asked why?, what was the matter with them? Nothing, Erin replied. They just wanted to find them a good home since they wanted to concentrate on raising their daughter, who seemed to like to find every last piece of anything on the floor.
She had two cats that she wanted to find good homes for. One was a female. They were not sure of the cat's age since she sort of came with the home. We shall call this cat Maude. When they first moved into their house, Maude was an outdoor cat. After some time, they saw that Maude became bigger and bigger. Much to their surprise, Maude became a mommy cat. She had a litter of four....three all black and one tiger. They gave away the 3 black kittens but kept the fourth and made both Maude and her baby indoor cats. We shall call the kitten Buckeye.
For you see, Maude and Buckeye are the two cats who needed homes.
With some convincing, the Mommy of the two children agreed to talk with her husband about adopting Buckeye. He was two, declawed, an indoor cat...all of the things they were looking for. They talked with Erin and they decided to adopt the cat....only on a trial basis. They couldn't upset the other two older cats. So if it did not work out after a few weeks, they could return him to Erin in hopes of finding him another home.
When Buckeye first came into the family's home, our home, there was much hissing, growling and hiding. It has now been about 3 weeks or so and they all are getting along fine. Buckeye's name has been changed (sorry fans) to Scooby. It seems when you are a fan of a particular team, even if you don't live in that area, you will name your pet accordingly.
We have since had war wounds....Bosco is currently having ointment put into his eye a few times a day because one of the other cats scratched his eye. Nightro has a scab on his head and a scratch on the inside of his ear. Hmmm...Scooby has nothing.
He is a welcome addition to our family. Here are a few photos of our new cat, Scooby.


mama amy bee said...

wow... can't believe you became new parents, too! congrats!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....I'm thinking Nightro and Bosco are fighting each other! HA HA HA! You didn't mention the rest of the naming story....I do like YOUR idea....that is a good pet name. HAPPY DAY!