Wednesday, May 31, 2006

that is too cute, right? what do you think is really going on inside the mind of a baby? imagine, though, seeing another of you, if the babies even know what they look like.

baseball...ah, another game. we went north last night and the boys lost again. it is frustrating this year. we have a young team. they have not won a game yet. we keep encouraging them to play their personal best, keep the spirit of the team up but yet sometimes it is hard. some of the other teams take advantage and let their boys "profit", if you will, on our inexperience. some games it has been rather unsportsman like. I am surprised none of our parents have been asked to leave the ball field yet. there is a make up game tonight and a regularly scheduled one tomorrow night. wouldn't it be great if our team could win at least one game this season?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What age grouping does J play in now? I know what you mean about being young and taken advantage of...ALL of our high school teams are like that! Every major boys varsity squad this year was made up of mostly sophomores...the football team went 0-10...their record even made it into the valedictorians (Did I spell that right????) speech at graduation. Tell J to keep his head up...after all, there are millions of people (me and him included) who love a team that doesn't win very much. GO CUBS!!!!!!!