Saturday, January 14, 2006

the quiet house

ah, to have a house that is so quiet for such an extended period of time. the kids are still with G and G, K is at work. we did have dinner out last night...we have not done that sans kids in a very long time. I need go make a trip to the post office but other than that, I can read, straighten up, whatever I want until the kids are home.
we actually had some snow last night. it is very windy here...funny, we were watching meet the fockers last night and kept hearing this banging noise. our garbage can was overturned and the lid was nowhere near the can. our new flag we put up might end up with small tears at the end. it feels more like winter though than the mid 40's to 50* temps we have been having.
happy saturday and long weekend, take care.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

it's nice to have that quiet time with your mate and by yourself. i'm glad you got the chance to just "be"! i guess i should be taking advantage of all the time j and i have before baby arrives!