Monday, January 16, 2006

defeats the purpose

I hope those of you who have the day off are finding a way to celebrate the meaning and enjoy your kids that are off of school. We will be making a trip to the book store later so that the kids can use gift cards that they got from my friend for xmas. Maybe we will stop and buy some cinnabons....they have these small ones in a pack of six...comes with a small tub of extra frosting. Yummy!
I am contemplating making a big decision. I am not going to elaborate since I want this decision to be mine, with the help of my husband, but I need to make it for the right reason. A lot will go into the details...a lot of that will make or break the decision.
I have received the "germ kit" at school. It arrived last Thursday but I have not had a chance to sit down and check it all out. There is a family science night in Feb. and I have been asked to do something along the lines of what I did last fall. I taught a hand hygiene lesson to K-4...proper hand washing, etc. I ordered the glo'germ kit and got some samples from germ-x, too. Now I need to get organized, get my handouts ready, decide what else I will have going on in the classroom. I requested to be across the hall from the bathrooms so that washing hands won't be too much trouble after putting the magic germs on their hands. If I was to be in the gym, I would probably never see the people again....kinda defeats the purpose of what I will be doing. Anyway, I am looking forward to it. It is nice to have my feet wet in the business, so to speak....I am hoping to sub next school year as long as H screens well and enters the grade.
until the next time, enjoy any sunshine that comes your way.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

and you thought nobody looked at your site! Your counter is up the 300s! I put the picture in and then when it has the white boxes around it, I move it up or down. When I move it down, I need to go beyond the text sometimes. Don't ask me why. Sometimes it looks like it won't work, but then does. Hey, what are you trying to decide? Havin' another baby? Let me know! Are you going to get a tatoo? Piercing? I'm dying...