Tuesday, January 17, 2006

dried corn

although this isn't my cat, this is how I felt today. it rained and rained and rained today. in fact, it is still raining. on days like this, it is great to snuggle in bed with a good book, watch some tv or just sleep. the only good thing is the rain is to turn into snow overnight. we haven't seen snow in some time.

same stuff in life, school, etc. family math night is Thursday and I will be helping out at the scavenger hunt table. the kids and their families get a ruler and a list...they must find and measure the items on the list while they are around the building visiting the other math areas. there will be shopping, measuring with dried corn and so much more. the goal is to get kids excited about math...to show them it isn't always just what comes in the books. it is real life.

no one wanted any pancakes the other day? me and my bunny friend worked hard at the photo shoot. let me know if you change your minds.

K finished his 3d puzzle. it really looks great. I will try and get a pic of it...he worked hard and at times was frustrated. we aren't sure what we will now do with it that it is completed but we will enjoy it none the less....maybe in the top of the fridge for a while.

rain, rain, go away, come again another day.

1 comment:

iteach7 said...

How did math night go? I think that having math night is AWESOME!!! Kids need to not be afraid of math and parents need to encourage math even if they are clueless! My students hate this, but they learn fractions because I tell them "Fractions are my friends!"