Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I had a haircut today, since I forgot about the appt I had yesterday, and we decided to walk there. H pushed her doll stroller...never again. the front wheels are a pain in the #*@ so the next time, she will put her doll or bear or whatever, in the umbrella stroller I still have, for some reason, in our garage.

in our sleepy little town is a firetruck repair shop. I am sure it has some real, technical name but that is what we call it. they had a truck out today being serviced. all the local/surrounding fire dept bring their trucks here to be taken care of.

the kids, on the last leg home....we're almost there!

and the clouds...they looked so soft and I laid down on the front lawn, looking up to capture the softness....but somehow the very hard and dry ground made me want to get right up and come inside to lay on the couch. and instead I come here....


Mom of Three said...

Great day for a walk!

Sherri said...

This was the greatest day! I actually turned off the air.