Saturday, July 05, 2008

stuff that happened yesterday

yeah, remember the battery story? well, now it is our left rear tire..flat...this particular angle doesn't even look like it really looked...and we leave for vacation~again~on monday...

the kids had a silly string war in the back and blue...j has some on his head..

and then for the first time, the kids wanted to go and see, remember, they are ten and seven and they have never wanted to go before! are they my kids?! they are usually afraid of the noise (j still covered his ears the whole time and then when he did talk, he talked VERY LOUDLY and we had to keep telling him that when his ears are covered, he tends to talk much louder...sorta funny, but not really) and to be honest, are in bed, sleeping..well, this year was different. off we went to the fairgrounds. I have a new camera (since march or so) and am still learning all the great features/options. there is an option for can check out a few other photos from the night's display at my photo blog

this below photo I actually captured the BOOM know, the one where there is a bright, white light and then the heart pounding BOOM...well, there it is ... will try to upload some video case you did not get the chance to see your own fireworks in your own hometown...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I stayed at home and didn't see any fireworks. I heard some, but not a whole lot. Nothing can quite compare to seeing the fireworks in Washington, D.C. last year. I was standing on the steps of the United States Capital looking out towards the Washington Mounument. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Sorry to read about your tire. I hope nothing else happens to your car--especially before you return home from your trip. I leave in the morning for Las Vegas--I still remember visiting with you and your cousin J at your granmother's house. Can you believe how long ago that was? Sometimes it seems like just yesterday and at other times it seems like a lifetime ago. I'll drop a few coins in the slots for you--yeah, right. None of the casinos use coins any more. I guess it makes it more hygenically safe. Can't wait to see pictures from your next trip. Have a safe one!!!!