however, you really don't get the idea of what is IN the box until you dig deep, down into the box. it seems to have a much better effect when you can see all of the sh*# leaving our home. so, because I don't have anything else to do, like laundry, vacuuming, going through more spaces to fill up more boxes, getting ready for vacation, I emptied the box onto the floor. I tried to arrange the give-aways so you can see everything but come on! let's be real.
I think I will miss the pink guitar the most. it really went great with the microphone.
Great job getting rid of stuff that you no longer need or use! Too bad that your sister didn't do that too! You are an inspiration to me.....
Love, Mom
we are trying to do that here too! And with kids you have a lot of CRAP! When we did C's room, I don't think half of it went back in. More like 3 bags of garbage and 2 boxes for garage sale!
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