Tuesday, August 14, 2007

okay, so a bunch of stuff has happened. the first photo...this bug was in our laundry room...I used H's bucket to close it in and then used a frisbee to cover it up. the photo is once I got it outside...does anyone know what it is?

this is H with her friend, J. she wanted someone to come over and so the girls had great fun playing together. J cut her hair since school was out and she looks so cute!!
and finally, J made one of his elaborate train layouts. this is an aerial shot of his masterpiece. what do you think?


Anonymous said...

I don't what that bug is, but I recently trapped one too. Its loud clicking noise woke us up and it had to go.

mama amy bee said...

Hey! I probably won't be taking anything... still trying to decorate with what we have! Thanks, though!!! :)