Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I love my sister, don't you?

Here are some words from the mind, heart and spirit of my dear sister...

After coming so far, after finding out so much, why give up? And, this leads me to the bigger question...what is hope? And, why do we lose hope? Is hope for the naive, the immature? Is hope a drug that gets us through? Is hope the rose colored glasses that some wear? I am such a fighter. I don't give up. I think there's a solution to every problem. There's a way to work life out. Maybe it's not the conventional or accepted approach. Maybe it's not what we imagined for ourselves, but dammit, there's a way to always go on, move forward. There is a solution and to me, it isn't sitting on a rock waiting... So, back to hope...that wonderful's what keeps me going. That and serendipity.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

your silly greeting of you laughing is funny. and yes, those are wise words your sister shared. love, amy