Saturday, December 23, 2006

Holiday Blessings

To fellow human beings,
Whatever creed or race,
During this special season,
In every city, every place...

Whatever your faith,
Take some time to show
That peace on Earth
Is for all to know.

To all of those
Who we keep close at heart
Though far away
We're never really apart...

So, best wishes to all

May we all live without fright
And serve our fellow man
Through the next year's days and nights...

Here's wishing you a peaceful,
Wonderful Holiday and a New Year filled with
The special blessings only realized when helping others.

~Appleseed Ridge Runner

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, T! I'm such a horrible person--haven't mailed my Christmas cards yet--oops! I'll just make them New Year's Cards instead. I'm visiting family and friends everywhere--IL and MO. I hope you are having a wonderful day with your family...until we talk again...happy holidays!!!! luv ya!