Thursday, October 26, 2006

There they are, in order of the their entrance into our little family. The first is our Nightro. He is 12 and our baby. The first cat I ever owned. And to think, I was afraid of him the first night! The second one is Bosco. B is 11 and he loves to sleep, well, what cat doesn't? But his new spot is in the dress up basket, as you can see. It is really a hamper but we use it to put all of H's dress up stuff. And last but not least, is Scooby. He is only 2 and full of energy. Here he is in a halloween skirt. Once the halloween costume box came into the house for the kids to play with, he was into everything. He loves to bury himself under blankets, etc.
Aren't they all so very cute?

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

yes, they are all very cute. love their pics!