Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ah, a football game today. J had his first true game for his age level. They lost. But the sun was out and the company was nice. Tomorrow we go to the 11/12 yr old game...if they are getting creamed or something, then the younger ones can go in.
My feet still hurt. The blisters aren't so bad but my toenail on my R big toe is purple, kinda like Frankenstein's nail color. And the ball of my L foot is sore.
We are off to spend some time with some friends today and then home to mow our yard and our neighbors. The weather is nice so hopefully the sun will have all of the grass dried when it is time to mow.
My friend who was in the motorcycle accident in which her husband was killed is doing better. She is still in the hospital but is progressing. I have been praying for her and ask for your prayers, too. I wish I could reach out to touch her hand and tell her that I love her. For now, praying will be it. But we know the power of prayer...

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

Glad to hear it's nice weather- too bad about the game! And I'm so sorry about your friend and her husband- really tragic!!! :(
love, amy