Thursday, August 31, 2006

Yes, I think it has been awhile, maybe not. I actually subbed this week, can you believe it? PTO was this week, too. I am writing a newsletter this year from the PTO in hopes of a great year. It will go home to all students so that their families will know what is happening around the school as far as PTO news. Maybe we will have more volunteers and much more success.
The 3-Day walk in only in 8 short days. I can't believe it will be here! I am excited but nervous. I have found that I have been grinding my teeth--even when I am awake---and I bet it is nerves. New stuff at school, new responsibilities and the stuff for the walk. I don't think I am grinding them at night but how would I know?
School...the kids have been in now for about one week. H is loving it, it is hard for me to see her at school and not just with me when I am doing things there. And J? He is growing up so fast. Where have my babies gone to?
So for now, I am leaving. I must go and walk. The day is cloudy and quiet but yet peaceful. A great time to just think. Sometimes I can get lost in my own thoughts. Maybe I should think of some of these ways to cope with stress:
don't rely on your memory, write it down.
use time wisely.
avoid negative people.
anticipate your needs.
take a bubble bath.
look at problems as challenges.
strive for excellence NOT perfection.
read a poem.
stop a bad habit.
do a brand new thing.
learn to whistle a tune.
become a better listener.
look at a work of art.
throw a paper airplane.
write a note to a far away friend.
go to a ball game and scream.
have a support network of people, places and things.
recognize the importance of unconditional love.
get enough sleep.
freely praise others.
play patty cake with a toddler.
hum a jingle.
buy yourself a flower.
stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day.
unclutter your life.
don't know all of the answers.
say something nice to someone.
walk in the rain.
look for the silver lining.
put an air freshner in your car.
keep a journal.
tell someone to have a good day in pig latin.
take stock of your achievements.
more may come at a later time. have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

love this post! really, i am so excited for your walk! you'll be awesome, i just know it! wish i could be there to cheer you on! we're coming in to town oct 18 for a visit- do the kids have a long weekend then? :) take care!