Friday, July 07, 2006

Tomorrow is the day!
This is a first for my family...and by family I mean my parents and siblings......
in about 20 years! We all have not been in the same house, under the same roof, since my older sister left for college. My parents will be celebrating 40 years of marriage this fall and instead of a party, they wanted to go on a family vacation. Now, maybe some of you are thinking of the great National Lampoon's Vacation but I am not. My Mom sounds like a little kid, she is
so excited. There will be 12 of parents, my sister/husband & two kids, me/husband & two kids, my brother/girlfriend. I am looking forward to a week of relaxation and creating great family memories. I will try and audio blog since I won't be near a computer,
but hey, with the great technology, why not call in?
To all of you, have a wonderful week. Whatever your plans are, have fun and hopefully the weather is cooperative. Until I am back on line,
giggle alot, bake a cake & eat it with your hands, go find elephants & kiss them,
make lots of forts with blankets, keep the gleam in your eye,
mail letters to God and plant licorice in your garden.


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time...don't worry about us, we'll be here when you get back!

mama amy bee said...

Sorry I missed you before you left- have a great time with everyone!