Thursday, June 29, 2006

well it is one of those days. it rained last night and the grass is wet. I really will need to mow soon -- maybe later today once the sun shines and warms and dries the grass.

I just heard taylor hicks song on the radio. I pegged him from the beginning. K says he is my boyfriend, but I disagree. K is my boyfriend. anyway, I love taylor's voice. his song is great, too. I am looking forward to his album coming out so that I can buy it.

I have been experimenting with my camera. you know, I have had the thing for over a year and still don't know how to use it. there are so many, close up, landscape, etc. I went out this AM and took more shots of my lillies...only this time with the close up. I have not looked at them yet. maybe a future post.

I love reading my cousin's blog. she wrote something about squirrel nuts or I that old or just that out of it...I think she was referring to a band? never heard of them. I usually say the same stuff. the kids, what we are doing, blah blah. maybe hers won't be as exciting once the baby is born. but then again, she will find a way to put humor into everything. I love her.

okay, here is a joke from my son....
why did the boy blush when he opened the refridgerator?

because he saw the salad dressing.

and another....
what do firemen put in their soup?

fire crackers.

Have a great and happy day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, love the Taylor Hicks song. I downloaded it the other day--legally! I used it in the powerpoint I was telling you was perfect! Thanks for suggesting it. Just so you know, I enjoy your site...I like hearing about your life and your family. Great jokes, J! They reminded me of something on the radio this a.m. A caller called in to win tickets and said he was a jailer...the morning show producer mentioned that it was neat that he was calling on his CELL PHONE...get it? HA HA HA!!!!!! Happy Day!