Thursday, June 08, 2006

Well, it has been awhile. I tried the audio post and nobody has commented on it. Maybe it wasn't the hit I thought it would be. At the same time, I notice my cousin hasn't posted in a while either and she is one of two who comment. My friend is in Las Vegas so I know she isn't on to even read (or listen!) to this.

Tomorrow is a happy day and a sad day. The happy part is my friend will be celebrating her birthday. This is the same friend who is currently in Las Vegas....some deal for school. Yes, she teaches. They try and have their annual conference, something or other, in a fun city. They were in Las Vegas last year, too, only in July. Which leads me to the sad part....tomorrow is the first anniversary of losing Grandpa. You see, somehow, this all is part of each other. Grandpa died June 9. He lived in Las Vegas. My friend's birthday is June 9. I saw her in Las Vegas in July 05 when I was out there helping my Grandma get ready to move. I can't believe it has been one year. With my other Grandpa, I called him Grandpap, it has been almost 7 years. In some ways, that seems like a lifetime ago. I can still feel them both in my heart and hear them in my head. You never want to forget the sound of someone's voice. Little things still happen that make me think of them. The other day, I was driving some back country roads and the smell of manure was so strong. Silly as it sounds, I thought of Grandpa (Las Vegas Grandpa). He used to say, Ah, the smell of country air. I can see him chewing on his cigar, bare chest, wearing his short white socks and sneakers, laughing at the fact that I think cow poop stinks.

I will leave you with this....I came across this and it can bring you peace when you miss your loved ones the most.

they are not
the stars,
but rather openings
in Heaven
where the love
of our lost ones
pours through
and shines down
upon us
to let us know
they are

*inspired by an Eskimo legend


Anonymous said...

First, I LOVED the audio post...It was so great hearing your voice through my computer. Now, I can hear you whenever I want! (It's not as fun as on the phone, but I can listen to it any time of the day....even at 1:45 in the morning!) I want you to know I've been thinking about you A LOT! I said hi to your grandparents old stomping grounds...They weren't very friendly to me...I didn't win a thing. However, I had a great time!!!!!! I thought of you when we checked into the Flamingo--I asked for a room where we could see the fountains at the Bellagio...only to be told that it was an extra charge. Since we were on a different floor from the group, we asked for a room change...and got a room overlooking the fountains for free! I shared J's volcano story with some of my friends...they laughed...Later on they asked what else we should see. When I told them I didn't know, they said call J--he'll know! But, the best time was by far when I hammed it up at Madame Tussaud's--you were my inspiration! I'll send the pictures soon...

mama amy bee said...

Hi! I thought I left a comment the other day- I haven't been on the computer much in the last week. But I guess I didn't? Anyway, I agree- the 9th was a sad day. Can't believe it has been a year. I just remember being together at the funeral and feeling such sadness at the loss but so happy to be surrounded by our family at that difficult time.
See you in a couple weeks! Love, Amy