Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Hello, bunny family. I love spring, I really do. I love to watch the new flowers blooming and the fat robins building their nests. I look forward to mowing the grass. Yes, it is true...I do like to mow the lawn. I like to plant my flowers and then anticipate their growth and beauty. (does this sound like I should be the new P. Allen Smith on the weather channel?) Somehow springtime always gives me a new sense of purpose here on this earth. The changing of the seasons are an incredible thing to witness year after year. Do enjoy it if you can.


Anonymous said...

I like spring as far as the weather goes....used to like it a lot more after the snowy winter months...now, it seems as if there are only two seasons...hot and mosquito....which most of the time overlap! My "spring is here" moment comes when the calendar says it is spring break! However, spring is Tax/TAKS season, too...UGH! Well, have a happy, hoppy day bunny family!

mama amy bee said...

hopefully you didn't get any tornados today! thanks for talking. love, amy