Wednesday, April 26, 2006

actions and in truth

Okay, so I have not been here in a while. I have been busy. I have returned to the work force outside of the home. I have not had a paying job in about 8 years bc we decided that raising our children until they entered school was THE best and most important job you could have. Even though our last still isn't in school officially, I have started subbing. Yes, the substitute teacher. That's me!

It has been crazy. Well, not too crazy. I am subbing in the elementary school in my town. I have been blessed with 4th graders, 2nd graders, secretary duties and a roaming sub. So far. I subbed for about a year and a half before J was born and boy, could I tell you stories. I did not particularly like the elementary classroom and opted to not be placed there. I would rather be in the middle or high schools. For the remainder of this school year, I will remain solely at this ele school. Next school year, who knows. I will probably be open to other schools in the district.

So, that is my excuse for my absence. I hope it will be excused. I will try to come back often. I do like to jot down my happenings. I just hope there are people out there who come back to read them and wondered where I was....

*Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18


Anonymous said...

In my busy, stress-filled life, I check here often...sometimes twice a day. (I use your site for sanity!!!!) However, I do understand how you can be too busy to write. Therefore, your absence is Excused. (You wouldn't believe the excuses we get from children for why they are absent! In fact, I was talking with a friend today about a student she has who is absent a lot...He misses school to play with his new xbox. Or, he misses school to complete the make-up work he has from other absences. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??????) Any way, I'd love to hear all of your stories. I'm glad you are back doing something you love...not that you didn't love raising your children...It's just that I know you enjoyed teaching as well. Happy Day, Dear Friend! (Sorry to take up so much room....)

mama amy bee said...

Hi T! Glad to see you posted again-I was wondering where you were?! Anyway, hopefully you still can find time for the necessary "me-time" that all of us need to take. Are you walking in prep for your Sept. walk? Can't wait to see you this summer! Love, Amy
P.S. Pretty cool we have a new member of the family?!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy, Thanks for telling me about your blog! I had fun reading. Bryan & I took the 80's lyrics quiz - we scored an 87.5. And I realized that the 80's was the only decade that I listened to popular radio. I'm so old! LOL J didn't tell me you were subbing - I hope it's going well! joy & peace,