Thursday, February 16, 2006


Ah, the weather. Some of my family and friends think I should have gone into a career of meteorology. (my sister for one!) I admit it, I love to watch the weather channel. I don't like lightening and thunder but I do love weather. I guess I like to be prepared for it, whatever is shall be. K and I have a joke about it. When both kids were born, the channel we had on overnight was the weather channel. We kept the volume down but we wanted the dim light in the hospital room. It wasn't intrusive and who doesn't want to know about the weather? It was much better than those bright hospital lights. Until, of course, when they come in and turn them on to take your vitals.....

A cold front is coming through and the temps are to go from the low 60's today to the low 30's overnight. Uh oh, there is the weather subject again. Sorry!

President's day is Monday. Both kids are off from school. What shall we do? I wonder if the library is open...I bet not. Maybe we will bake some cookies, finger paint, do something fun. What are your plans?

I leave you with this....Spend special time with each family member. Getting to know each other as individuals helps you appreciate and uphold one another.

happy day to you!


Anonymous said...

You are not my only friend who is infatuated with the weather channel! I don't usually pay attention to the weather...I guess that is why I am constantly getting caught off-guard without a jacket or coat when the temp drops during the day...Thankfully one of my friends told me that tomorrow's high will happen before I ever wake bring a jacket because the temp will continue to drop as the day goes on...YIKES!!! I hate our weather...Monday the high was in the 40's and yesterday and today it was in the 70' was 70 at 9:00 this evening! Saturday's high is to be about 45...It's a wonder we aren't all extremely ill. Enjoy your time with your kids on Monday...we have school...We don't get to celebrate President's Day....and the current President is from the state I live in!!! (I refuse to call it my state....I've been gone from IL for 12 years, but still consider it my "home.") Sorry for writing a novel...

that girl said...

hey iteach7, I know, IL is your home, mine, too. But I can call my current state my home state. And what is up with not celebrating President's Day? Did you like my pics of the weather channel...I was laughing at myself when I did that. So were the kids...Mom, what are you doing, taking a picture of the tv??

Yesterday it was 60* here at now it 29*. And falling! We had thunder and lightening last night, too. Anywho, have a great weekend, your two day weekend!!