Tuesday, February 14, 2006

happy valentine's day to you

I found this picture and couldn't resist posting it today on Valentine's Day. Two elephants are making a heart with their trunks-isn't it cute? Regardless, I hope everyone can find love and happiness today, even if you don't have a valentine.

I was able to attend H's party this morning. You know, how rockin' is a preschool party? They all had great boxes to collect their valentines and everybody had some to pass out to their classmates. I even got to enjoy a sugar cookie with everyone! I also got a photo of H with her "boyfriend"...there is a boy in her class that she says is her boyfriend. His name is John and shorter than her. Too cute!

K was called to jury duty today. He is in a four month pool where you could be called. He spent a few hours there at the court house this morning and then it ended up being settled. He got the credit for the day and his name is moved to the bottom of the list. He hopes he isn't called again.

Have a nice, special day, however you celebrate--with your honey, your kids, your family.

I leave you with this....If you cherish your children every day as the wonderful creations that they are, all the rest will fall into place. Love your kids. For love is what matters and lasts.


mama amy bee said...

love the elephant pic! you'll have to email some pics from j & h's parties. kids are cute. :) have a good day and night! enjoy your v-day with your sweety.

Anonymous said...

I feel like an idiot! I looked at the picture and thought...what pretty swans...HA HA HA!!!! After reading the entry, I realized that they were elephants...Maybe I should join H's preschool....I could learn about all the animals!