Wednesday, February 22, 2006

the germ lady

Aren't our two cats the cutest things? Sometimes you find them looking so adorable you just have to take some photos.

I have caught it, you know, IT. The nasty cold thing that is going around. The sinuses are full yet you can't blow anything out, it just sits there, right behind your can feel it dripping down your throat. Then your throat hurts, too. Your head feels like it is in a vice and some awful soul keeps right on tightening it. You feel like putting your head over a boiling pot of water and just allowing all the steam to get in your head and loosen it up. Or maybe drilling a hole and tilting your head to let it drain would work. Nah, drilling the hole would be too drastic not to mention dangerous. A good idea nonetheless.

Science night is tomorrow night at school. I'm the germ lady, how appropriate since my body is full of them. I am hoping many people come in and see what I have got....more hopeful is that they return to my room after washing their hands. You see, I have got the glo-germ kit and the kids, and adults, put the "germ lotion" on...then they look at their hands under a UV light...go across the hall and wash their hands!.....come back and put their hands under the light again to see how many germs are there.....thus, they will see how well they washed their hands. I taught a hand hygiene lesson in the fall and hand sanitizer was introduced into each classroom, Germ-X to be exact. I have small individual bottles of Germ-X for each child to take home.

For now, here it is.....Take a time out if you need to. Count to ten (or one hundred, if need be).


Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about Germ-X. A lot of researchers say that we are causing ourselves harm by using it all of the time...our bodies aren't able to make antibodies, thus causing us to actually be sick more often...our bodies can't fight off all of the crud out there. However, I would feel better knowing that I am killing all of the nasty germs. While on this subject, I find it interesting that your classrooms can have hand sanitizer available. Our school district has essentially banned it because of how highly flammable it is. We were shown a video in which some Germ-X was sprayed on a piece of clothing and allowed to dry. A match was then set near the cloth and it caught fire. Scary, isn't it? Sorry to put a damper on your science night...let me know how it goes...I'm glad you get to be a teacher...even if it is just for a little bit!

mama amy bee said...

Hi! Back from flordy. It's ironic that your title for this entry is "the germ lady" when you talk about being sick and yet preventing sickness. I love ya! I say that all in good humor. I think it's great that you're being so active in your children's school. I hope that I can be as active in mine (holiday parties, etc.) Take care and give those kiddies kisses for me!!