Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to school

today. both kids. had to wake H up this morning. she did not want to get out of bed and really, i don't blame her. the beds were warm, the sky was dark, hmmm, who wants to get up yet?
busy morning, back to school, trip to the grocery, blah blah blah. am trying to get all the holiday decorations down, too. K says it is too bad it all ends so soon. i told him it is funny, when we were first married, i called him scrooge. he procrastinated with the outside lights and indoor decorations. this year he is disappointed that the outside did not look better. it got so cold so early this year we did not put up all the outside lights. next year as soon as halloween is done, the lights go up and after thanksgiving, they will be turned on.
new years eve....what did you do? Dad had to work, Mom, Grandma, H and I went to church. I think a girl i went to middle school with sings in the Sat evening mass. Grandma came over then and we just sat and talked and snacked. kids stayed up a bit later but both were in bed right after 10. passed out. K stayed up and watched who knows what, Mom and I were in bed before midnight. I read some of a new book, really great one, and fell asleep. boring, right. I know.
our trip home was uneventful. a bit of spritzing but that is all. the cats are crazy when we return home. we say they are psycho, we have to go around and look for any accidents they may have done or clothes B may have dragged out. yes, our one cat can open drawers and take balled up socks out and drops them around the house. he has also been known to drag shirts out into the living room, too. funny cat.
happy week, stay warm and happy.

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