Monday, December 12, 2005

school day forecast

ah, yet another day. busy morning at J's school today. putting santa store stuff away, putting up more garland, etc. tomorrow is the dress rehearsal for the students and then the program will be thursday evening. J seems ready to go.

I wrapped some gifts tonight. almost all finished. I also did some baking for J's teachers. I found a really cute saying about snowman poop...I will be using it for some. speaking of snowman poop,what do you think of this?

I came across this and couldn't resist. hopefully it made you smile in some sort of strange way.

until the next time, stay warm and happy. brrr, school day forecast at 7 AM is calling for about 11*. make sure you are wearing your hat and gloves. and drink some hot cocoa.

good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

Did J end up having his Christmas concert? Jim ended up having a snow day today! I love it! Unfortunately, I'm feeling pretty sick today. I wish I could fall asleep so I can sleep through some of the yucky feelings. Have a great weekend!