Friday, December 16, 2005

monkey bread & charlie brown

tonight charlie brown is on. repeat but who cares? charlie brown is a classic. however, I will be watching something else. funny how I had to mention it and then won't even be watching it.

J is home sick today. we had a snow day the ice is underneath the dusting we got this AM. J started getting sick about 4 pm and was on and off, getting sick about 4 times. there is a stomach bug going around. he seems fine now, just hanging with his sister.

I am trying to make monkey bread. the original receipe is Boot's monkey bread, you know boots, from dora the explorer? well I came across a simpler way to make it in a magazine. I tried that way today but have yet to try it. it is cooling on the stove. yum, I love monkey bread.

well, all, happy day. the snow has stopped but I still have to go out later. hey, here is a pic of boots, then for those of you who don't know, you will.
okay, I added the pic but it came up at the top. I still have not mastered this blogging thing. well, you can still see who boots it, right up there by charlie brown.

and again, happy day.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

I love monkey bread, too. Let me know how it turns out!